Beneath – Friday Fictioneers

Happy Friday Fictioneers! I’ve missed everyone. I have been away for a spell.

This is a repeat for me, but I reworked this a bit. I don’t know if I made any improvements.

As always, thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for keeping everything afloat. Congratulations to Rochelle for completing her edits for her third novel in a series entitled AS ONE MUST ONE CAN. Way to go!

Thanks to Georgia Koch for this week’s photo.

Do you believe?

Copyright – Georgia Koch
Copyright – Georgia Koch


“We got a boat. No excuses,” Joe said. “Old man Cassel is still out there.”

“Paddling in that pea soup makes about as much sense as surfing a tsunami. You ain’t gettin’ me in that boat.”

“That Nellie business is nothing but a campfire story.”

Heavy air shrouded them, erasing their shapes. The skiff knocked around in the choppy water like driftwood as they attempted to steer in one direction. The water swelled, pulling them toward the center of the lake.

Joe’s radio buzzed. “We got Cassell. C’mon back. Over.”

“I can’t see anything—”

Spiky tendrils latched on, sending them under, below, beneath.


For more Friday Fictioneer 100-word stories, click here. 

53 thoughts on “Beneath – Friday Fictioneers

  1. And that was all she wrote! Sounds like we’ll never see them again! Loved it! I love anything nautical… sea monsters, shipwrecks, pirates… all of that stuff will keep me reading. I think my natural inclination toward water is associated with being an Aquarius… I really do wonder about that stuff sometimes! I read something about zodiac signs recently, and I was floored with its accuracy in describing me.
    Hope all is well, been missing your posts, but I get it when busy times come and go in life! xo


    1. Thanks so much, Kelly. I love the sea, too. I’m writing a story about it now…if I could just get back to it! I’m not surprised you’re an Aquarius. Oh, Libra gets along with you! I think there’s a lot of truth to the Zodiac. They seem to describe me and a lot of people I know pretty well, too. They can’t all be wrong. Thanks for the encouragement and sweet words. Everything is going just fine. Just trying to find that balance. You know what I mean? xo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I take it this is Nessie’s cousin Nellie, right? Those ladies sure do get around! Super-duper story, there, Amy. I hope everything’s fine with you. I was gone a couple of weeks myself.

    Five out of five dinghies. 😉


    1. Hi, Kent. Right. He didn’t exactly get it right, did he? Close. Everything is great, just busy busy. Well, good to see you too. Glad you liked it. Thanks for the high marks.


  3. One found, two lost. Great atmosphere, Amy, the sound stops when they’re in the fog… (and apparently I can hear with my eyes 😉 )


  4. What an eerie, evocative story, and fantastic descriptions! I especially liked these two:
    “Heavy air shrouded them, erasing their shapes.”
    “Spiky tendrils latched on, sending them under, below, beneath.”


Take it away.