Fireworks Sessions – Friday Fictioneers

Thanks to our lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting the Friday Fictioneers, a group of writers who meet weekly to write 100-word stories based on a photo prompt. Check them out!

Thanks to Vijaya Sundaram for this week’s spirited photo. Happy Labor Day to those who are celebrating!

PHOTO PROMPT -© Vijaya Sundaram

(Humor: 99 words)

Fireworks Sessions

“You don’t actually see them. It’s more of a feeling.”

“I know,” Anna said.

His tongue felt like a lizard tail in her mouth and so she heaved her hot dogs.

They didn’t attempt another fireworks session until the following weekend when Tommy arrived smeared in mud.

“You owe me,” Tommy said.

They sat on the wet grass on a torn blanket. She kissed his muddy mouth and the moon disappeared under a veil of fog.

“No big deal,” said Anna.

“Yeah, nothing compared to your vomit.”

“Tommy, something tells me we’re going about this fireworks thing all wrong.”


For more stories from the Fictioneers, click here.

37 thoughts on “Fireworks Sessions – Friday Fictioneers

  1. I once kissed a girl in my car as a teenager and, afterward, no kidding, I backed up and hit a tree. It wasn’t much of a hit, just a slight bump, but a good story to tell anyway. Actually, I haven’t thought of it in years (shows you just how important the chick was to my life even though she DID give me my first kiss).

    This story was MUCH classier than mine was. Really. “Tommy and Anna sittin’ in a tree …. ”
    Maybe that would have helped. Oh well …

    Five out of five tree bumps. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That girl must have knocked your socks off, Kent, if you went and hit a tree after. That’s pretty funny. Aren’t you glad you got that to recall that story?
      Maybe a tree would help them. Could be. Anything. Thanks so much! I’m delighted.


  2. Now that’s a great take on the image, Amy. Young kids looking for fireworks in a kiss but instead ending up with lizard tails and hot dog vomit. Excellent take on the image, I bet no one else interpreted it this way.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ew, that’s a slow beginning. Where do kids get their ideas? Just thinking of a lizard’s tail in my mouth gives me the shivers. We have house geckos here that climb on the walls. Indian women are scared of them because it was explained to me in the olden days they could fall into open cooking pots and they’re poisonous if consumed. Good writing, Amy. 🙂 — Suzanne


    1. Yeah, a lizard tail in the mouth is kind of a mood killer and evidently a real killer if they’re poisonous. I don’t blame you for being scared of them, Suzanne. Thanks for your sweet comments.


    1. Oh, thank you Vijaya! So pleased you liked it and found it humorous. They definitely need a new course. Rolling around it the dirt could work, but the passion has to be pretty thick, right? Ha ha. Thanks again for the great prompt.

      Liked by 1 person

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