Passing the Torch – Friday Fictioneers

It’s time for Friday Fictioneers. Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting and to Roger Bultot for this week’s photo prompt.

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly writing group, challenged to write a 100-word story with a beginning, middle, and end. Everyone is welcome to give it a try.

My 100-word story follows.

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

Passing the Torch

Miranda stared at Scarlett starring at herself half-dressed in the mirror. A lacy bra hugged her delicate curves and her lashes fluttered amid a patchwork of highlights and shadows.

It was yesterday all over again. Miranda choked on the musty dust of backstage and held her breath.

“Oh,” said Scarlett.  “Your last performance. But you don’t look ready.”

“It’s just a cameo.” She placed a pair of dangling, diamond earrings in her palm. “These are sitting in for my last performance instead. Wear these tonight. For me.”

“Such an honor.” Scarlett’s hands shook as she put them on.

“Keep them.”


For more stories from the Fictioneers, click here.

60 thoughts on “Passing the Torch – Friday Fictioneers

    1. Thanks, Tracey. Yeah, that’s the way I think of it, bitter sweet. I imagine that happens in any profession as with surgeons like you mentioned. And even Willy Wonka! Hopefully, it’s a continuation of passion and more good things to come.

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    1. You captured SO much here, Amy. I really admire your ability to do that! The emotion and backstory and choices like the earrings gave this so much depth. It was really a pleasure to read. xo


  1. Being a theater person myself… dress rehearsal tomorrow night for the 9.. count them NINE performances this week of The Odyssey (children’s version) *sigh* … this piece really resonated with me. Well done! Loved it Amy! 🙂


    1. Wow, Courtney! Nine performances in a week. That’s very busy!! How exciting for you. I know we talked about dance once. How cool that you’re performing in a theater production of The Odyssey. I can’t say I ever did that one! Break a leg!! Thanks.

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    2. Yep… it is for kiddos. They are bringing them in from area elementary schools and we have 2 performances each day in the morning and then one night performance Friday for parents, teachers, friends..etc. I will be glad when this week is over! There is another drama after this one but I am not in it… thank goodness! Rehearsals begin next Monday! I will be helping in the box office the nights of the performances but I don’t have to worry about that until November! 😉

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      1. I know how that goes. You love it, but it’s also very exhausting and you have to do that other thing called life. I hope all your performances go well. Hang in there! I’m everything will be wonderful.

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  2. One way or another this happens to most of us, but here it happens with kindness, gratitude, maybe even love, and a lot of understanding. Wonderful story.

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