Weekly Photo Challenge – Pure

For this week’s challenge, share a photo of something pure — it can be a person, an object, or a moment. Here is a picture of my son and his cat Lucky. He is a Lucky cat and my son is lucky to have him. It's pure love pure adoration they search for each other … Continue reading Weekly Photo Challenge – Pure

Contract Services – Friday Fictioneers – 12/21/12

It’s time for Friday Fictioneers, brought to you by our gracious host Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Our photo was provided by Scott Vannatter. My 100 words comes to you as story. Happy Holidays! Click here for more wonderful stories from the Fictioneers. As always, your participation is welcome. Why not give it a go? Copyright-Scott L. Vannatter … Continue reading Contract Services – Friday Fictioneers – 12/21/12

Fat Kitty City: A Special Place

I visited an enchanting place today. It's called Fat Kitty City and it's the only cat sanctuary in all of Northern California. My family and I took our kitty Spud to the sanctuary to get neutered. Spud looked a little worried, but I know he's in good hands. We met Spud at the local pet store … Continue reading Fat Kitty City: A Special Place