The Interview – Friday Fictioneers

I am a bit late to this week's gathering of the Friday Fictioneers, a community of writers who contribute a 100-word story based on a photo prompt. Thanks to our gracious host Rochelle Wisoff-Fields and to Shaktiki Sharma for this week's cool photo. Ahem...I went over just a tad. I had a hard time ending it.... … Continue reading The Interview – Friday Fictioneers

3 Days Quotation Challenge: Day 3

I'm back for my final quote for the 3 Days Quotation Challenge. Thanks again to Charles for nominating me. You can visit him over at his blog Charles French Words Reading and Writing. Today's quote comes from one of my favorite writers: The moment that you feel that just possibly you are walking down the street naked... … Continue reading 3 Days Quotation Challenge: Day 3

3 Days Quotation Challenge: Day 2

I'm back with another quotation for the 3 Days Quotation Challenge. I was nominated by Charles French to take part. Be sure to visit his blog Charles French Words Reading and Writing. I like this quote because I truly believe a good book will find its audience. With the focus on genre and knowing your audience, I'd … Continue reading 3 Days Quotation Challenge: Day 2

3 Days Quotation Challenge: Day 1

Greetings! I've been nominated by Charles French to participate in the Quotations Challenge in which one provides three quotations over the next three days or all in one post. I choose one quote for the next three days, mostly because I can't choose them all at once.  Thank you, Charles, for nominating me. It's an … Continue reading 3 Days Quotation Challenge: Day 1

Write to the Death – Friday Fictioneers

Samantha whistled at her feet. Boring. Samantha's warm visage emboldened her to take broad steps across the street like nobody's business. Whatever does that mean? Why Samantha? Sabrina? Sarina? Must it start with a "s"? How about Carina? Carina traveled,, glided effortlessly...wandered? Oh, look.  A bill I need to pay. Hey, there's my lotion. (Lathers copious amounts on … Continue reading Write to the Death – Friday Fictioneers

I am a Superwoman Aglow with Liebster Love and Epic Awesomeness

I'm feeling love vibrations in the air... It must be the the Liebster love granted to me by the charming Kylie from The Life of Kylie, and from the exotic Whitney at Charms of a Gypsy. Thank you, ladies. I'm honored. Also, I've been bestowed the Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness, courtesy of David … Continue reading I am a Superwoman Aglow with Liebster Love and Epic Awesomeness

Contract Services – Friday Fictioneers – 12/21/12

It’s time for Friday Fictioneers, brought to you by our gracious host Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Our photo was provided by Scott Vannatter. My 100 words comes to you as story. Happy Holidays! Click here for more wonderful stories from the Fictioneers. As always, your participation is welcome. Why not give it a go? Copyright-Scott L. Vannatter … Continue reading Contract Services – Friday Fictioneers – 12/21/12