Fireworks Sessions – Friday Fictioneers

Thanks to our lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting the Friday Fictioneers, a group of writers who meet weekly to write 100-word stories based on a photo prompt. Check them out! Thanks to Vijaya Sundaram for this week's spirited photo. Happy Labor Day to those who are celebrating! (Humor: 99 words) Fireworks Sessions "You don't actually … Continue reading Fireworks Sessions – Friday Fictioneers

The Magic That is Disneyland

I cut off my arms, my legs, and cashed in my IRA. Okay kids, now we're ready to experience the magic that is Disneyland. It is a one-of-kind thematic landscape, home of Tinker Bell, Dumbo, even the late Michael Jackson has an attraction. I wanted to take my two boys before they were teenagers, anticipating … Continue reading The Magic That is Disneyland

Happy 3rd of July!

I consider myself patriotic, I do. I love my country and I'm fond of celebrating American Independence Day with friends and fanfare. But just curious, because I wonder if anyone is experiencing the same thing I am. Why do we now celebrate July 4th on July 3rd as well. I mean, isn't it also called … Continue reading Happy 3rd of July!