It’s Just Like Riding a Bike – Friday Fictioneers

Welcome to Friday Fictioneers. Thanks to our wonderful host, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, and to Jellico's Stationhouse for the intriguing photo. The challenge is to write a 100-word story, based on the photo prompt below. My story is semi-autobiographical. (Personal Fiction: 100 words) It's Just Like Riding a Bike Emily wobbled while her siblings breezed past. Soon, the Rathbone … Continue reading It’s Just Like Riding a Bike – Friday Fictioneers

The Interview – Friday Fictioneers

I am a bit late to this week's gathering of the Friday Fictioneers, a community of writers who contribute a 100-word story based on a photo prompt. Thanks to our gracious host Rochelle Wisoff-Fields and to Shaktiki Sharma for this week's cool photo. Ahem...I went over just a tad. I had a hard time ending it.... … Continue reading The Interview – Friday Fictioneers

From where I’m sitting – Friday Fictioneers

So glad to be back to the Friday Fictioneers. I've really missed this group, writers, and friends. Thanks to Rochelle for hosting and to Ted Strutz for this wonderful prompt. It's a goodie. Here's an impromptu poem, I guess. It may not make a whole lot of sense.... Hope everyone is well! (Poetry: 100 words) … Continue reading From where I’m sitting – Friday Fictioneers

A Light Caress – Friday Fictioneers

Thanks to Rochelle for hosting and for a wonderful year of leading this group. Thank you, thank you!! Thanks also to Roger Bultot for contributing his photo for this week's prompt. I just love diner stories. A little sci-fi/romance this week. Sure, why not? Hope you can make sense of this. And good news...this just … Continue reading A Light Caress – Friday Fictioneers

Who’s There? – Friday Fictioneers

Here's my contribution to this week's edition of Friday Fictioneers, brought to you by the lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields and a photo from CE Ayr. Thanks, CE! (Horror for 100 words) Who's There? Petals dusted her feet as Laurie coasted past the purple door, chained and set back from the sidewalk. It was a mere blip in her … Continue reading Who’s There? – Friday Fictioneers

In Good Time – Friday Fictioneers

Hey, there's nothing like a Friday Fictioneers on a Sunday. Am I right? I hope to get back into some kind of rhythm soon. I'll admit the election has been an unwelcome distraction. If only we could hold words in our hands and inspect them, see if they're real or true. Thanks to Rochelle for … Continue reading In Good Time – Friday Fictioneers

The Hiders of the Tin – Friday Fictioneers

Welcome to Friday Fictioneers. How exciting that my photo was chosen for today's prompt. Thanks, Rochelle, for the honor of selecting my photo and for your dedication to this group. Personally, I think storage units are strange, fascinating and a bit disturbing. This one gave me the creeps. But, I think generally storage units are … Continue reading The Hiders of the Tin – Friday Fictioneers