Fireworks Sessions – Friday Fictioneers

Thanks to our lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting the Friday Fictioneers, a group of writers who meet weekly to write 100-word stories based on a photo prompt. Check them out! Thanks to Vijaya Sundaram for this week's spirited photo. Happy Labor Day to those who are celebrating! (Humor: 99 words) Fireworks Sessions "You don't actually … Continue reading Fireworks Sessions – Friday Fictioneers

Weekly Photo Challenge – Pure

For this week’s challenge, share a photo of something pure — it can be a person, an object, or a moment. Here is a picture of my son and his cat Lucky. He is a Lucky cat and my son is lucky to have him. It's pure love pure adoration they search for each other … Continue reading Weekly Photo Challenge – Pure

Accompaniment – Friday Fictioneers

It's time for Friday Fictioneers. Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting and to her husband Jan Fields for the wonderful photo. All are welcome to join this challenge, which is to write a 100-word story based on the photo. Here are instructions. Give it a try. My story follows. Genre: Realistic Fiction (102 words) Accompaniment Liza … Continue reading Accompaniment – Friday Fictioneers


Here's my list for the Love/Hate challenge you may have seen going around the blogosphere. After reading Mark's list on his blog Exile on Pain Street, I felt this rush to write a list of my own and here it is. I wasn't tagged nor am I going to tag anyone, but if you want … Continue reading Love/Hate

I Will Always Be Your Mom

To all the mothers of the world, I wish you a very Happy Mother's Day! I Will Always Be Your Mom We toil, we worry, mothers do Our bodies bleed and stretch Our hearts and minds grow and love pours out Soft bellies for a weary head Breasts warm pillows soothe We listen to your  heartbeat … Continue reading I Will Always Be Your Mom

Dance on a Moonlit Porch – Friday Fictioneers

Dance on a Moonlit Porch Gliding on the porch swing, breezes tickle my neck. We sit close, our legs dangle, our fingers connect. Sweat on my brow, a kiss on your tongue, we dance on a moon-lit porch to a timeless song. It carries me like petals floating out of reach. Our feet light, you … Continue reading Dance on a Moonlit Porch – Friday Fictioneers

The Mirror Has Two Faces – Friday Fictioneers

Beth pressed her fingertips to her eyes, and sighed at her tired image. "Darling, look at yourself," Darren kissed her neck. "You'll dazzle them tonight. You're a princess." "Oh, please," Beth said. His eyes overflowed with a love that drowned her. Beth surrendered her devotion to the vision that crept in behind them, watching their physical scene play out. The … Continue reading The Mirror Has Two Faces – Friday Fictioneers