Beneath – Friday Fictioneers

Happy Friday Fictioneers! I've missed everyone. I have been away for a spell. This is a repeat for me, but I reworked this a bit. I don't know if I made any improvements. As always, thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for keeping everything afloat. Congratulations to Rochelle for completing her edits for her third novel in … Continue reading Beneath – Friday Fictioneers

Beneath – Friday Fictioneers

(Genre: Fantasy, 101 words) Beneath "We got an open boat," Joe said. "Old man Cassel was due hours ago. C'mon." "Paddling in that pea soup makes about as much sense as surfing a tsunami. You ain't gettin' me in that boat." "Is this about Nellie? That's nothing but a campfire story." Heavy air shrouded them, erasing … Continue reading Beneath – Friday Fictioneers