The Interview – Friday Fictioneers

I am a bit late to this week's gathering of the Friday Fictioneers, a community of writers who contribute a 100-word story based on a photo prompt. Thanks to our gracious host Rochelle Wisoff-Fields and to Shaktiki Sharma for this week's cool photo. Ahem...I went over just a tad. I had a hard time ending it.... … Continue reading The Interview – Friday Fictioneers

A Light Caress – Friday Fictioneers

Thanks to Rochelle for hosting and for a wonderful year of leading this group. Thank you, thank you!! Thanks also to Roger Bultot for contributing his photo for this week's prompt. I just love diner stories. A little sci-fi/romance this week. Sure, why not? Hope you can make sense of this. And good news...this just … Continue reading A Light Caress – Friday Fictioneers

Passing the Torch – Friday Fictioneers

It's time for Friday Fictioneers. Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting and to Roger Bultot for this week's photo prompt. Friday Fictioneers is a weekly writing group, challenged to write a 100-word story with a beginning, middle, and end. Everyone is welcome to give it a try. My 100-word story follows. Passing the Torch … Continue reading Passing the Torch – Friday Fictioneers

A Day in the Life of a Ballet Seamstress – Friday Fictioneers

Thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting the Friday Fictioneers, a group of writers who gather to compose a 100-word story based on a photo prompt. This week's photo was brought to us by Sandra Crook. Sandra, thanks for the inspiration. When I look at a sewing machine, I think of costumes. My story is a … Continue reading A Day in the Life of a Ballet Seamstress – Friday Fictioneers

Fireworks Sessions – Friday Fictioneers

Thanks to our lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting the Friday Fictioneers, a group of writers who meet weekly to write 100-word stories based on a photo prompt. Check them out! Thanks to Vijaya Sundaram for this week's spirited photo. Happy Labor Day to those who are celebrating! (Humor: 99 words) Fireworks Sessions "You don't actually … Continue reading Fireworks Sessions – Friday Fictioneers

Beneath – Friday Fictioneers

Happy Friday Fictioneers! I've missed everyone. I have been away for a spell. This is a repeat for me, but I reworked this a bit. I don't know if I made any improvements. As always, thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for keeping everything afloat. Congratulations to Rochelle for completing her edits for her third novel in … Continue reading Beneath – Friday Fictioneers

Manual for Bureaucracy – Friday Fictioneers

Step in line for a summer rerun. Thanks as always to our splendid host, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. This week's photo was provided by Sandra Crook. Thank you, Sandra. If you haven't read Sandra's stories, you simply must. Enjoy! It's time to go look for Pokemon. (99 words) Manual for Bureaucracy 1. File in, collect a number, … Continue reading Manual for Bureaucracy – Friday Fictioneers