Passing the Torch – Friday Fictioneers

It's time for Friday Fictioneers. Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting and to Roger Bultot for this week's photo prompt. Friday Fictioneers is a weekly writing group, challenged to write a 100-word story with a beginning, middle, and end. Everyone is welcome to give it a try. My 100-word story follows. Passing the Torch … Continue reading Passing the Torch – Friday Fictioneers

Not Exactly Hallmark Moments

It was only yesterday that we managed to decorate our Christmas tree. I'm sure we get the prize for being the last on the block. Really, I don't have an excuse. As I write this, there are only four days to spare before Christmas. I admit I'm a bit delayed this year. Okay, really I've never been this … Continue reading Not Exactly Hallmark Moments

How About a Lovely Tree in Your House?

I've been doing some heavy thinking these days. Does anyone think it's strange to cut down a living tree, put it in your house, and decorate it? How strange are we to do this? If you consider that the first "tree inside the house" had actual candles on it, yes, it is indeed strange. This … Continue reading How About a Lovely Tree in Your House?