Manual for Bureaucracy – Friday Fictioneers

Step in line for a summer rerun. Thanks as always to our splendid host, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. This week's photo was provided by Sandra Crook. Thank you, Sandra. If you haven't read Sandra's stories, you simply must. Enjoy! It's time to go look for Pokemon. (99 words) Manual for Bureaucracy 1. File in, collect a number, … Continue reading Manual for Bureaucracy – Friday Fictioneers

Ice Cave – Friday Fictioneers

Welcome to Friday Fictioneers, summer rerun edition. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. Mine has been especially hot with temperatures in the triple digits, so this Ice Cave sounds pretty nice right about now. This story was first published in November 2012, although I have made a few changes to the opening … Continue reading Ice Cave – Friday Fictioneers

A Greeting – Friday Fictioneers

It's time for Friday Fictioneers, where come together to write a 100-word story based on a photo prompt. Thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting and leading this group. This week she's provided the photo and it's a wonderful choice. All are welcome to join in with their own story. Visit Rochelle's blog for details. A Greeting The … Continue reading A Greeting – Friday Fictioneers

Their Latest Act – Friday Fictioneers

It's time for a 100-word story with Friday Fictioneers, a writing group hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Thanks, Rochelle for your leadership every week. Thanks to Roger Bultot for providing this week's photo. My story follows.  (Horror: 100 words) Their Latest Act The taste of metal tainted her tongue. Laine shook the salt shaker into her mouth. No use. … Continue reading Their Latest Act – Friday Fictioneers

Sky Benders – Friday Fictioneers

Its good to be back to my Friday Fictioneers. I have a bit of fantasy for you today. Hope you like it. Thanks to Madison Woods for the photo and for Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting. I hope she feels better real soon. All are welcome to participate. Why not write your own story? Here are … Continue reading Sky Benders – Friday Fictioneers

Ride of a Lifetime – Friday Fictioneers

It's time for Friday Fictioneers, a weekly link up that challenges writers to compose a 100-word story based on a photo prompt. Thanks, as always, to our gracious hostess Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. This week's photo was provided by Dee Lovering. Thank you, Dee. The place in this photo looks really familiar. If it's the place I'm thinking about, … Continue reading Ride of a Lifetime – Friday Fictioneers

Meet the Robinsons – Friday Fictioneers

It's time for Friday Fictioneers, where writers across the globe are challenged to write a 100-word story based on a photo prompt. Thanks to C. Hase for this week's photo. As always, thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for her dedicating her time and energy to leading the group. Everyone is welcome. Why not join in? Visit Rochelle's Addicted to Purple blog … Continue reading Meet the Robinsons – Friday Fictioneers