Fireworks Sessions – Friday Fictioneers

Thanks to our lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting the Friday Fictioneers, a group of writers who meet weekly to write 100-word stories based on a photo prompt. Check them out! Thanks to Vijaya Sundaram for this week's spirited photo. Happy Labor Day to those who are celebrating! (Humor: 99 words) Fireworks Sessions "You don't actually … Continue reading Fireworks Sessions – Friday Fictioneers

The Myth of Multitasking

Multitasking is a catch-all word that signifies success, adaptability and, above all, is a common descriptor on job applicants' resumes. Friends, do you want the truth? Our brains don't like to multitask. In fact, they reject it. They're simply not wired to behave in such a manner.  Research shows that humans can only think about … Continue reading The Myth of Multitasking

Only You Can Stop Bullying

We had a terrible tragedy happen this past month in my community. A former student at my son's school took his life because of cyberbullying. His name was Ronin Shimizu, and he was twelve years old. He was the only boy on a cheerleading squad, which I suspect is the source of some of the bullying. Out of respect … Continue reading Only You Can Stop Bullying