Guardian Angel – Friday Fictioneers – 11/30/12

Better late than never, as they say. I’m squeaking in today for Friday Fictioneers. I love the blue sky in this picture. I just had to offer something. Today’s Friday Fictioneers and photo is graciously brought to you by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Congratulations to Rochelle and her husband on their 41st wedding anniversary. Amazing!

For more wonderful stories related to this prompt, please click here.

Copyright-Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Guardian Angel (105)

The gift danced in her head. She envisioned a wooden reindeer with a bell for a nose, dusted with sparkles, and a candle glowing in the center. She’d seen it online and in Christmas catalogs. With her time running out, only two stores remained.

She walked into the last specialty store, harried and dazed, and did not notice the man who followed five steps behind.

He selected an item and bought it in a flash. With brilliant eyes he handed her a plush pillow. “My gift for you.”

Stunned, the woman smiled and accepted the gift.

“Now you can get some rest,” he said gently.

69 thoughts on “Guardian Angel – Friday Fictioneers – 11/30/12

      1. sure i can be a guardian angel. depends on what i’m guarding…..oh there you go. just when i’m trying to drag things into the gutter, you have to do that emotional-connection thing. but it does sound magical.


      2. hmmm…well….i’m just not grasping that image. let me think. however to overcome this dilemma….?

        gonna sleep on that and come up with a solution in a dream tonight. now look the other way while i browse your blog for something…g’night.


      1. It is and it isn’t. I feel a little lost today! Isn’t that strange? I’m not done with my book, but I’m not up to doing anymore on it. Yet, I feel sorta, ummm guilty. Maybe it’s NaNo post let down or something.


      2. I know, I get it. It must be a post NaNo syndrome. Certainly there must be one. There’s something to be said for carving out a little space and time for perspective. So, I guess enjoy this time, right?


  1. Dear Amy,

    At first read your story doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere in the Christmas Story canon but then, slowly a soft glow seems to fill the air and it’s true message becomes ever more clear. I ended up really enjoying this piece. We should all have such a guardian angel, even if its only us, thinking lucidly and counseling ourselves to step back from the mad dash of the holidays and to take a deep breath and relax.





    1. Doug,
      Thank you so much. It means a lot to hear that from you. I’m certain at times in my life, I must have had a guardian angel. I believe everyone has one, or maybe it is just positive thinking. I swear my guardian angel has saved me on more than one occasion. The expectations of the holidays can be such a weight on people’s shoulders. It would nice to have someone to just relieve you from it. That would be nice, huh?


  2. Such a heartwarming tale, Amy. The unexpected gifts are always the most meaningful – and best! Of course, the gift will only work if she now uses the pillow. 🙂 Like Rochelle, I tensed up at first when I read someone was following her.


  3. HI Amy,
    The last lline jangled me. I couldn’t decide if it was a kind act or if “rest” was more of an eternal one as she was being stalked. But after I thought about the title and read the comments, I realized it was the former. You really stimulated my brain. Thanks for commenting on my story. Ron


    1. Thanks, Ron. You know that thought did come to mind…was I trying to say something more with this pillow? But, not really. I was trying to have it be something comforting. I guess it could have been a blanket.


  4. Very nice little story I must say. That fellah walking behind her fell a little in love I think though! But no harm in that! – I remember twenty years ago, in Venice, was sitting having a coffee, and a solitary Japanese woman came into the small coffee shop carrying a violin case, and got a cup of tea. Of course a Japanese woman with a violin case in Venice is something someone who wants to write just cannot ignore! But she was beautiful, somewhat tired, and I left my coffee, went outside, bought a wooden giraffe from an African guy selling things on the pavement, came back and gave it to her. After her confusion, the way her face lit up was absolutely wonderful. See what your story did! Reminded me to be that person again….


    1. Pirate, then it was worth everything to write it! Wow, I’m so happy. What a great little story for you to share. I didn’t think my story would happen in real life, although it could. Well now you’ve proven me wrong. I didn’t know I was writing about you. Unexpected kindness goes a long way. You are that guardian angel.


Take it away.