Follow-up Post: Great News!

In my last post, I talked about a teenager who had gone missing. I just wanted to follow-up to report some great news! Many of you may have already heard, but for those you haven’t I thought you would like to know.

The missing teenager has been found and is safe at home with her family. What a relief! Just a few hours after I published my post, I received the news. I’d like to think we all put some good vibes out there in the Universe. Thanks to all who kept the missing teen in your thoughts and prayers.

24 thoughts on “Follow-up Post: Great News!

    1. No problem. It feels good to share great news! I know what you mean. I feel bad for all the times I made my parents worry, my mom especially. The teen was missing for four days. I haven’t heard what happened yet. I hope nothing horrible.


      1. I know – and I think of all the times I swam in our pool when my parents were not home and I was warned about it – but didn’t think anything of it… the thought of my child in a pool unattended makes me go all cold inside.


  1. I’m not sure how I missed the post about this and I am not seeing it now. No matter, the point is, this wonderful news.
    Here in my neck of the woods we have just had a week of hell trying to find a young man, husband, father of a two year old little girl, who had been missing. There was no happy ending here. This lovely man was selling his truck on Kijiji and on Monday May 6th he picked up his keys, told his wife he would be right back and left with two men to test drive the truck. On Tuesday May 14th his charred remains were found. There was an amazing amount of support through Social Media to bring Tim Bosma home safely. It galvanized the community. Unfortunately, it was a heartbreaking result.
    It is wonderful to know that all the efforts involved to find the young girl made it possible for her story to have a happy ending. Thank you for sharing that.


    1. Oh, Michelle, I’m so sorry to hear about Tim. Too often the outcome is not a good one. I was expecting this story to have a bad result. So, I posted some good news! Isn’t it wonderful that it doesn’t have to end tragically.

      Again, I’m sorry that you don’t have good news on your end. Social media can do wonders at times like these. At least, the very least, people came together to try to bring him home.

      There is hope for happy endings! We have to hold on to that.


  2. Finally, some GOOD news! It seems like every time I flip on the T.V. another kid has gone missing. I’m sure your entire community is overcome with joy knowing this teen has been reunited with her family. Thanks for sharing the update, Amy.


    1. Indeed, it’s such a relief to have a happy outcome. I think social media played a big role in getting the word out, as information was posted on Facebook. It’s nice to have a good news to share for once. I’m happy to share it!


  3. Yikes – I’m a bit late to the party (as always), but I’m glad this happened and I was able to read this post before your last one… sounds like a scary situation! Although… I guess I’d better go find out more, now, right?!


    1. Me too…I’m glad you could read this first. This stuff happens everyday unfortunately. I was elated I could share a happy outcome. It reminded me, too, that we don’t hear good news often enough.


  4. Good! I had read your comments on the previous post and heard this but it’s nice to see it again. Getting mileage out of a good news story trumps the horrors in the world any day.


    1. Thanks, Tania. I realize probably half my audience knew about this, but for those who didn’t, I though I would share some happy news. I think people are used to hearing everything end in tragedy so often, we’ve grown accustomed to it. We don’t hear enough good stuff.


Take it away.